Punk Prism Power is a cooperative 2-player Magical Girl party game, in which players wield custom laser-cut peripherals to defeat bizarre evil monsters in a fantasy world. Each player has 3 different physical motions that can be registered by an accelerometer embedded in each weapon (similar to a Wiimote): Slash, Spin, and Down Stab. Weapons also contain LED lights that indicate which attack is currently being performed. Enemies that appear on-screen have a Health Bar that takes varying amounts of damage depending on the attack. The current prototype contains one monster and two weapons, the Sceptre and the Chainsaw, as well as story elements presented in a visual graphic novel style.

Since it’s a party game, it’s meant to be played through quickly so that many players can have a chance to become Magical Girls. It’s probably around five minutes long if one speeds through the story bits and is really good at hacking and slashing. It’s also best viewed on a large projection screen so that the monsters are as large as possible for ultimate badassery.

Created by : Sagan Yee, Lee Wilkins, Nadine Lessio, Alicia Contestabile, Jenn Woodall & Maggie McLean

Stuff used :
-custom magic chainsaw
-custom magic scepter

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