Tag: dancing


Between is a game that uses projection to illuminate the space between two people. Two players sit face to face and hold hands, which creates a geometric shape…


Chromapose is a game that makes people dance together with their phones. Everyone sees the same outer color. Move your phone to change the inner color and match…


A game that binds your phones together to make you dance face to face with a partner. Stand face to face, hold your phones back to back, and…


A two-player dance-off where the step Dance Mat is also the screnn. The GridMaster control scheme is made for seamless, playful competition that is both personal and a…

Contacto Estelar

Contacto Estelar is a constellations creation game that aims to emulate the classic game of connected dots to draw a shape, but with bodies instead of pen and…

Dance Control

Dance Control is a Geometry Dash like game that offers the player the opportunity to play a rhythm-game in a unique way. No mouse or keyboard, no gamepad,…

Musical Steps

Musical Steps is an outdoor game made in one week at thecamp during the Hive#2 residency as a side project. It is composed of two sets of dance…

RR The Headbanging Simulator

Headbanging is a type of dance which involves violently shaking the head in step with the music, most commonly rock and heavy metal music. RR is a set…

Robot Slow Dance

A two-player animatronic diorama game contained entirely inside of a briefcase. Players control a pair of robots who, rather than fighting, dance with and talk to each other,…

Peaceful Garden

Peaceful Garden is a VR installation created during The Brain 4 residency. It is meant as a peaceful virtual & physical space in which players can grow a…


(in)tact is a playful performance including lights, sound, dancers and an interactive handmade sky. The audience is invited to excite the sky and thus change its local state…

Shelter Air Guitar Championship

A responsive installation that transforms festival-goers into rock gods through Air Guitar. Entering the little red house and pushing the red button begins the practice mode. A backing…


Based on the popular folk game « Ninja » Sondez-vous is an electronic fighting game for two players. The players take turns to attempt to touch their opponent while the…


OCTOPOP is an interactive audiovisual pop concert. An interactive carpet allows the audience to play games while the musician (nit) is live performing. Each track has its own…


The ornithological world is one of danger, but also of amazing beauty. Participate in the mating rituals of the beautifully patterned Orni Preenagerus, and see if your movements…


Two participants wear soft patches with proximity sensors and vibrotactile feedback, along with a glove that provides additional tactile feedback. As players move to music, different sensors patches…

Magnetize me

Magnetize me is a two player game where one player is mounted with 2-5 Move Controllers and the other player with 2 magnets. One “blue” magnet and one…


A whimsical dancing game for two players, with choreography by the Dutch National Ballet. Twist and twirl elegantly, or get entangled with a friend. Holding either end of…

Headbang Hero

Headbang Hero is a videogame for testing your headbanging prowess with heroic disregard for your own health. Wearing a special motion-sensing wig, you are awarded points for vigor…


MadNES is a modified Nintendo NES+screen hung to the ceiling. Here, the games aren’t played with a controller, but by manipulating the screen itself. The physical implication thus…

Edgar Rice Soirée

Edgar Rice Soirée (formerly known as Awkward Tarzan Grinding Game and Edgar Rice Frotteur) is a 20-controller competitive PS Move game for 4 players. The players navigate a…

Johann Sebastian Joust

Johann Sebastian Joust is a no-graphics, digitally-enabled playground game designed for motion controllers. The goal is to be the last player remaining. When the music — J.S. Bach’s…