The sailorz were part of a big pirate crew but unfortunately their ship crashed into a cliff ; broken and despair the 4 survivors ventured into the frozen sea on a small lifeboat where they loaded their last canon. They will have to get their treasures back by firing and shipping through icebergs, cliffs and collecting chests, but beware of the evil whale. The 4 players have to balance their weight, the boat will take the direction of the majority. The controller is made of 8 pressure plates, 2 for each survivor and a pedestal that represents the canon where you can load the cannonball and FIRE.

Created by : Louis Perdu, Aurélien Forge, Gaëtan Rische, Quentin Roze, Loup Druet, Eric Leduc

Stuff used :
– button
-Makey Makey
-various electronic components
-little cannonball

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