Symboleja is a cooperative card game where two players have to complete sequences by matching card symbols on the same spot at the same time. The players both have the same cards but the sequences they have to complete are different and they have to find a way to complete them without seeing or talking to each other. They can only communicate with the card’s feedback and thus have to coordinate themselves in order to complete the sequences. The game is monitored by a game master.

Created by : Louis LEFEBVRE, Timothé HUERRE, Tom WATTEAU, Luana TRAN NGUYEN, Edouard MURRAT, Lola BOSSON, Corentin DELILLE, Tao PECQUERIAUX, Aubane Rittano

Stuff used:
– 2 Screens
– 1 computer
– 10 wooden cards
– 2 handmade wooden structures