Tag: rope


Labyrinth is an alternative controller video game where players weave a pattern using rope and see it represented in an LED Matrix. This game does not have an…

For Want of a Sunset When the Sky is Gone

“What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well.” Inspired by this Saint Exupery quote, For Want of a Sunset When the Sky is Gone…

Kite Kid

“As usual on his way back from school, Kai passes by the cliffs to play with the kite of his lost sister, Ára. That day, her dreamlike figure…

Paper Glider

Paper Glider uses a basic pulley system to allow players to control a paper airplane in the game. It consists of two ropes, one for each hand. By…

Grocery Trip

In Grocery Trip, players run cooperative errands with a shopping cart controller: one person steers while the other grabs food and punches customers. Created by: Sara Brugioli, Victor…


Physically pull a rope to play tug-of-war against a dog. The game has different difficulties, from Chihuahua to St Bernard. The controller is built from a recycled printer…


Jump! is an interactive jumping rope that works like a music box where you must jump to wind. Powered by an Arduino Fio, it sends the values ​​from…

On the Difficulty of Serving tea

On The Difficulty of Serving Tea highlights the challenges behind the art of serving tea – in particular traditional North African mint tea. A set of pulleys, lots…

Jelly Stomp

Jelly Stomp is a beach game and must be played in the water. Each player gets a jellyfish (a PlayStation Move move wrapped with plastic and tied to…