Fear Sphere is an experimental game aimed at briding the gap between the real world and the digital world–without the use of VR. The game itself is played with a minimum of 2 players, one of which is placed inside an inflatable sphere, acting as the realm the game takes place within. Using the custom built ‘flashlight’ controller, the player must navigate an unknown indoor space while being stalked by an unseen enemy.

The projector within the controller acts as a flashlight for the digital world the place is navigating, thus acting as an extension of the player reaching from the real world into the digital world.

Outside of the bubble, a second player must use a shortwave radio and a set of physical blueprints to relay directions to the first player, guiding them to safety.

Created by : Andrew Genualdi, Henry Lam, and Jaeseong Yi.

Stuff used :
-inflatable sphere
-short throw projector
-Arduino Micro Pro
-6-axis gyroscope

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