A game installation about the prudish world we live in made at ZooMachines 2015. Turn me on/off is meant to be played in a dark room divided in 5 alcoves. Each of these alcoves features a screen and a unique custom controller subtly evoking a part of the body (penis, vulva, breasts, clitoris…). The screen either display porn or prude videos, the “porn addict” team tries to keep the porn videos on using the controllers, while the “prude” team tries to turn them off. The difficulty lies in the fact that every videos feature love scenes and it can be hard at first to figure which is which.

Created by: Patrick Jarnfelt, Andrea Hasselager, Anna-Célestine Berthélemy, Boris Borgobello, Baptiste Billet, Nicolas Nowak, Vincent Jalliffier-Merlon, Celia Gironnet

Stuff used:
-5 screens
-5 custom controllers
-black drapes

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