A two-player game where players skills and senses complement each other. One, deprived of their own sight, must make use the Oculus Rift combined with a camera to…
Credits : Lisa Schaeffer (Them Games) Founded in 2013, @d @eternam is the first french company focused on Post-Mortem Artifical Intelligence (P.M.A.I). We won’t resurrect the dead, but…
As an unwitting employee of a call center dabling with dimensional portals to increase sales across time, you are accidentally bridged with the mind of someone about to…
You must help the earthlings to escape their dying planet. Use your awesome balance powers to keep the multidimensional portal open and save as many of Earth’s spaceships…
Zwoboter (german for “Twobot”) is the title for a series of experimental arcade games that make use of a color control mechanism.The color controls are developed following Itten’s…
The Zeppelin Game was made during #AltCtrlGameJam and features a custom-made cockpit controller with an air pump and two crank handles. The goal is to control a zeppelin…
Smooch Station is a co-op licking game for two players. It explores the intimate meeting of two people through eye contact, with the mouth and tongue as input….
A two-player game of infinite tag viewed through a endless tunnel inside a capsule. You view the action through a hole on either side of the capsule. A…
You just started your nightshift at Happy Toy Inc. Your colleague left you a note : « Sorry Bro, the computer broke down. I rewired the elecotrical animal toy machine…
Patata Non Grata is a game created for the Alt Ctrl Game Jam 2015. Gameplay is straight-forward: shake the controller to get rid of the patata non grata….
Defend yourself from those insignificant humans by looking at them (with an eye tracking device)… and roar like a dragon to throw out fire upon them! Created by :…
A 2-player immersive space survival game. Humanity has persisted through millennia on solar collection techniques and atomic reconfiguration technology, but none of this can protect us from the…
The year is 2083. Earth has been overtaken by a contingent of small, furry, self-aware robots known as PUFFPUNKS. Originally developed by humans as children’s toys, the PUFFPUNKS…
We Are Fine, We’ll Be Fine is an auditory and tactile experience played on a wooden game board exploring people’s stories about marginalization, oppression and the navigating hope…
Tu es un bébé! is a multi-sensory interactive experience allowing players to experience our very first playground, the mother’s womb. The game lets players experience what it feels…
Utopia is a four-player game about personal experiences with oppression and injustice, and the navigating hope for the future. Four players gather in a circle around a projection…
AquaTop Display is a projection system that uses white water as a screen surface. With this device, users are given the possibilities of interactions from both above and…
Shoal is about collaborative care-taking. Every person that plays contributes a fish to the pond, creating a complex, ever-changing collage of each player’s unique contribution. However, the fish…
L’Odyssée de Gabriel is a new kind of interactive comic. Half of the comic is drawn on paper, the other half is projected on the blank spaces. Sometimes,…
Fort Paladin is a medieval computer castle automaton trained to kill and master the American army‘s recruitment training game “America’s Army” using elecro-mechanics and a custom written expert…
A short vignette-style game about the creator working through some sexuality stuffs by trying to punch her heart out. It is played with a comically-anatomically-correct heart controller hooked…
During the Tekken Torture Tournament performance, 32 willing participants received bracing but non-lethal electrical shocks in correspondence to the injuries sustained by their onscreen avatars. Players wore shocking…
Video Game in a box is an electronical side-scrolling vdeo game featuring Mario. Mario is controlled with a knob on the side, as time advances the game gets…
This tiny installation, combining electronics and sand, is a demake of the iOS game Desert Golfing by Captain Games. Adjust angle and velocity, and spend the rest of…
Based on Portal’s companion cube, Whappy cube is a game that can bring two people together to share a moment by whapping. Two players sit on opposite sides…
Runners is a networked computer installation presenting three projection screens, each depicting a character borrowed from and operating within the virtual space of EverQuest. Using a custom made…
A one night parade of sweat and adrenaline hopes to reclaim performance art in the age of video games, pitting viewer against viewer in brutal virtual cockfighting theater….
Grammaire de l’interactivité is a video game projected on cardboard models about video game literacy. One model represents the visible part of a video game, while the other…