(in)tact is a playful performance including lights, sound, dancers and an interactive handmade sky. The audience is invited to excite the sky and thus change its local state…
Tatyou is a 4 players tattoo motive generator. Each player controls a door and try to prevent the ball escaping a circle. When the ball do escape, the…
Bamboo that bends is a cooperative 3D twister made of strings and bamboo sticks. Created by: Gaëlle Elixir, Thomas Pattou, Thibault Raffaillac, May-Florin Ebene Zolli, Gwendal Reuzé, Dimitri…
A responsive installation that transforms festival-goers into rock gods through Air Guitar. Entering the little red house and pushing the red button begins the practice mode. A backing…
Based on the popular folk game « Ninja » Sondez-vous is an electronic fighting game for two players. The players take turns to attempt to touch their opponent while the…
Body Check is a competitive game for two players. Bar-codes are strapped on various body parts (stomach, shoulder, elbow, knee, wrist) and each player has to scan them…
Mega GIRP is a physical installation of Bennett Foddy’s popular flash game, GIRP. Instead of using the keyboard, players now play on four dance pads arranged in a…
(Picture by Julian Dasgupta) La Discipline du Rectange is a game about constraints for one player/performer. The player is seen by a camera and his image is fed…
The ornithological world is one of danger, but also of amazing beauty. Participate in the mating rituals of the beautifully patterned Orni Preenagerus, and see if your movements…
(Picture by Anna-Célestine Barthélemy) No Pain No Gain is about running, jumping and splatting against walls. A silhouette (or “trick”) is projected on the wall and the players…
In Go ! Button Power Team !, four players/performers wear colored morph suits and strap-on tablets while a fifth one uses them as button. Vocal instructions are given to the…
Pong Experiment is a game of Pong for two players. It is played with two paddle controllers similar to the Atari 2600 ones but displayed on LEDs sewed…
Laser Equipped Annihilation Protocol (The L.E.A.P. Engine) is a live-action gaming environment that explores the personality of a snarky and mysterious game sentience who has infected a room…
Two participants wear soft patches with proximity sensors and vibrotactile feedback, along with a glove that provides additional tactile feedback. As players move to music, different sensors patches…
In their performance, Daniele Hopkins and Kyle Duffield use their own bodies to challenge exaggerated representations of the human body in the fighting game, Dead or Alive (PS1),…
ANTI-BODY is a cooperative game played by two players fully dressed with protective gears in front of a Kinect. The Kinect captures color and spatial information and generate…
Hugatron is a game about hugging your partner/opponent. It only requires a computer to play. 3 modes are available: Versus (first to disengage loses), Lift me up (the…
Magnetize me is a two player game where one player is mounted with 2-5 Move Controllers and the other player with 2 magnets. One “blue” magnet and one…
Hot Mess is a cooperative electronic twister game. Players have to make physical connections with their bodies to touch all of the points on a grid without breaking…
Intimate Controllers is a platform where video games are played by couples touching each other. The platform consists of two controllers, a bra for the female player and…
MadNES is a modified Nintendo NES+screen hung to the ceiling. Here, the games aren’t played with a controller, but by manipulating the screen itself. The physical implication thus…
Fenêtre d’opportunité is a game of progressive “disabilitation” for one player/performer. The game is meant to be played in a 4×3 meters room, specially designed for. On three…
B.U.T.T.O.N. (Brutally Unfair Tactics Totally OK Now) is a one-button party game for 2-8 players. Race to your controller/button through physical space, and do whatever it takes to win…
Edgar Rice Soirée (formerly known as Awkward Tarzan Grinding Game and Edgar Rice Frotteur) is a 20-controller competitive PS Move game for 4 players. The players navigate a…