Dance Control is a Geometry Dash like game that offers the player the opportunity to play a rhythm-game in a unique way. No mouse or keyboard, no gamepad, no DDR pad, YOU are the controller! Your character automatically moves towards in a psychedelic, music beats based, crazy level. Make sure to keep up the pace!

You are probably wondering how to play, it is simple: just put a fancy jacket on.

On this jacket, you will find several modules, placed on different body parts. Those modules allow you to control your character. For instance, you will have to tap on your chest in order to jump, or bend your knee to protect yourself from incoming dangerous projectiles.

Created by : Victoire Hespel, Jean Puertolas, Eliot Ringeva, Louis Nillus, Big thanks to Lucien Chesneau

Stuff used :
jacket made of straps.
– Arduino Uno card and RS232 Prototype Shield
– computer & screen
– good audio speakers
– button (to jump)
– potentiometer (to speed up / slow down the pace)
– sliding potentiometer (to fire projectiles)
– Adafruit MMA8451 accelerometer (to change gravity)
– flex sensor (to protect from projectiles)
– LOT of wires