Hello, and thank you for coming to this “Radioperator Information Day”. If you are here, it should be because you are interested to apply to Ospek’s Communication Center as an employee, and would like more informations about the job.

As a Radioperator, you will have to connect the people calling our Communication Center to the recipient they ask for. But, be careful, you will sometime have to follow some special directives given to you through a call, such as “refusing every call that does not announce 4 numbers at the beginning”.

To be selected, you will have to prove your strictness and precision. Indeed, you will receive calls from everywhere, including the President office. And you must NOT make mistakes by connecting him to the wrong person, or listen to confidential calls. This could result in politic disasters…


To sum this up, Radioperator is a game in which you will embody a phone standardist and will have to connect people using jack cables, just like the original telephone switchboards. You also have the possibility to listen to people’s calls. But be careful not to be caught or not to do mistakes, because you can be fired!

Created by: Tristan RECORD, Paul MEYER, Clément SABRIE, Ophélie FOUCAULT, Etienne DUMAIRE, Manon VINCENT, with the help of Pascal FOUCAULT.

Stuff used:
-Pine wood
-Metal plate
-3 Arduino cards
-Screws, wood glue
-Painting and wood stain
-Jack cables (6.35mm)
-6.35 Jack bases