Tag: custom Page 7 of 10


The ornithological world is one of danger, but also of amazing beauty. Participate in the mating rituals of the beautifully patterned Orni Preenagerus, and see if your movements…

Little Book

In Little Book, the player plays a a kid reading book in bed, hidden under their blanket.When a page is turned psysically, it’s also turned virtually in the…


Game and toy at the same time, Ziff is an exploration on tangible interfaces for children aged 5 to 8. It’s a physical toy that you can build…


OCTOBO is a plush octopus companion for children that responds to storybook cues and player interactions. It has a tablet display on its head and sensors integrated throughout…

Slap Friends

Slap Friends is a 2 players physical slap fight simulator that combines motion control with adorable plushy wearable characters. Players wear the characters on their head, put their…


ROTATOЯ is a controller that explores rotary movement with force-feedback in a multiplayer setting. Players turn three stacked steering wheel discs, which are connected to motors to provide…

Disc Jockey Jockey

Disc Jockey Jockey is an audio game that puts you in the signal chain between big radio voices and a broadcast audience. You work for a radio company…


Operator is a game about manning a deadly space station, but needing tech support to walk you through the arming procedure. Hopefully, Killigan Industries’ hotline offers 24/24 customer…

The Von Newmann Personality Test

Discover your true self by following the instructions of a deranged automated psychiatrist. Use a very special red phone to be psychoanalyzed. You will listen and play on…

Crank Tank

Crank Tank is a 2 or 4 player arcade game built in Unity. It utilizes two custom built crank-controllers which are used to drive the on-screen vehicles. Players…

The Bass Got Your Tongue

In The Bass Got Your Tongue, two players must work together to reach the end of the level. One player can dodge obstacles, but he cannot see or…

Banana Shooter Killer

Banana Shooter Killer is a banana-gun based game for two players. Each player has his banana gun in his banana holster. Some western music is played. When the…

Please Stand By

Please Stand By is an alternative hardware storytelling experience. Using the body of an original 1951 Capehart television, and original rabbit ears, you can immserse yourself in a…

Butt Jockey

Butt Jockey is a racing butts game. In order to play, you have to slap your butt faster than your opponent. Right cheek to go right, left cheek…

Blind Mind

Blind Mind is an experimental game developped during ZooMachines Festival. It is played with an Oculus Rift and an custom-made controller. The player embodies a blind character through…

Blind Car Simulator

In this Car simulator you drive without seeing where you are going. Use the navigation by the sound of your environment and GPS to reach the destination. You…

Turn me on/off

A game installation about the prudish world we live in made at ZooMachines 2015. Turn me on/off is meant to be played in a dark room divided in…

Grand Maestro

The Grand Maestro is an orchestra conductor game made during ZooMachines 2015. The player uses 2 MYO armbands to play and try to direct the best orchestra by…

Knife to meet you

Knife To Meet You is a custom hardware game featuring three buttons that players need to press while avoiding a sharpened French kitchen knife that moves ever faster…

Business Piñata

Business Piñata is a solo game about shaking businessmen’s hands. Inside the globe controller is a hand attached to a joystick. The player must put his hand inside…


Created for the Oujevipo Contest 2, Flotate is a game where four players compete for a rubber ring. The players sit around the screen, which floats on a…


Beat Down is a simple two player physical game. Players wear the foam controllers atop their heads and when the buttons light up it’s slappin’ time! But wait,…

Neighbors from hell

Neighbors from hell is a FPS where you play as a sorcerer who got into a fight with his neighbor who happens to be a necromancer. The goal…


As an unwitting employee of a call center dabling with dimensional portals to increase sales across time, you are accidentally bridged with the mind of someone about to…

Balance The beam

You must help the earthlings to escape their dying planet. Use your awesome balance powers to keep the multidimensional portal open and save as many of Earth’s spaceships…

The Zeppelin Game

The Zeppelin Game was made during #AltCtrlGameJam and features a custom-made cockpit controller with an air pump and two crank handles. The goal is to control a zeppelin…

Smooch Station

Smooch Station is a co-op licking game for two players. It explores the intimate meeting of two people through eye contact, with the mouth and tongue as input….

Infinitag Capsule

A two-player game of infinite tag viewed through a endless tunnel inside a capsule. You view the action through a hole on either side of the capsule. A…

Happy Toy Inc.

You just started your nightshift at Happy Toy Inc. Your colleague left you a note : « Sorry Bro, the computer broke down. I rewired the elecotrical animal toy machine…

Eye am a Dragon

Defend yourself from those insignificant humans by looking at them (with an eye tracking device)… and roar like a dragon to throw out fire upon them! Created by :…