Tag: solo Page 2 of 11

Funny Kitty Stick

Funny Kitty Stick is a game in which you can guide your cat with our designed stick controller. The cat can interact with the objects in the scene and…

Paper Glider

Paper Glider uses a basic pulley system to allow players to control a paper airplane in the game. It consists of two ropes, one for each hand. By…

YettiBebbis: Puppet In A Cult

This game requires the player to use both hands (fingers, specifically) to control a virtual puppet in the game as if they are controlling a physical puppet—working to…

Gilliam’s Great Escape

Gilliam’s Great Escape is about playing golf with a fish. Except you’ll be playing it with a toaster controller – the perfect tool for launching things. Push and…


A lumberjack game where players chop an axe onto a tree stump—that detects in-game inputs, offering immersion to create a fresh experience. The controller has three parts: the stump,…

It’s just a dream don’t worry

An interactive installation leading you through a surreal dreamscape. This place that extends your physical reality is strangely composed of real world 3D scans. You need only follow…

Nailed it

Nailed It is an original controller working with a color sensor and to be played with colorful press-on nails to apply on the player’s hand. The game consists…

Corvée de patate

Corvée de Patate is a textual game which can be played with a Makey Makey and potatoes. The game shows the anxiety we can feel during a conversation…


Crashboard is a skateboard hijacked to become a controller to an anaglyphic computer-inspired game where the player is surfing to avoid OK windows-type items. Created by: Emilie Breslavetz …

Golf Wobbler

Inspired by Line Wobbler, Golf Wobbler is a 1D minigolf game played on a single LED strip with an actual golf club. Holes are displayed in red, the…

Office Job

On a Windows interface, the players must close as many pop-up messages and dialog box as possible in a limited time by clicking the “x” or “OK” buttons….


FOOFA is a screen based penalty shooter controlled with a leg of a mannequin mounted on a rig, so it can swing around an axis through its knee….


Bonprix is the twisted re-creation of a supermarket’s self-checkout as an exciting arcade machine. The goal of the game is to shop as expensive as possible, within a…

One Night Only

One Night Only is a performance art game, where to play the game you must physically destroy it — not just the code at the end of the…

Lil D and His Five Buds

An alternative controller featuring cute penis-shaped stress toys. Created by: Amanda Hudgins Stuff used: – Teensy – 6 sanwa stue buttons – stress toys – cardboard box

Forbidden Fruit Machine

The Forbidden Fruit Machine is based on a painting called ‘The Fall of Man’ created by Cornelis Cornelisz van Haarlem in 1592. The painting depicts Eve and Adam…

Post-apocalyptic Weaving

Post-apocalyptic Weaving consists of a serie of loom prototypes out of the mechanical and electronic parts of discarded devices. Created by: Kati Hyyppä & Emma Wood Stuff used:…

Suck the Balls!

“Suck the Balls!” lets people escape the daily grind and immerse into an endless, ecstatic play with thousands of little yellow plastic balls. The installation consists of a…

J’ai faim

This mechatronic game deals with eating. The player has to feed Barbie with sushi, hence the title “J’ai faim!”, which is French for “I’m hungry!”. The player has to…

Galactic Dimension

Galactic Dimension is a supersized pinball machine built for the Phæno science center in Wolfsburg. The pinball was built on a steep ramp in the exhibition hall and…

Beyond the garden

Beyond the Garden is an artistic video game installation, whose main goal is to foster feelings of communion with nature. It’s composed of a big scale projection of…


You enter an Arcade Game Center and try to find your way through the different rooms. To reach the exit you have to control other characters by playing…


Talk is a short experimental alternative controller game about social anxiety disorder. The player is surrounded by groups of people and has to overcome their fear of talking…


Fireplay is a mini alternative controller part of a series of experiments meant to create new way to play some already existing video games. Fireplay was made to…

PASTRY PANIC (with cat)

PASTRY PANIC (with cat) is all about making enough pastry dough before the end of the workday, using haptic feedback sliders to cut, knead, and otherwise prepare the…


WRN1 is a multi-/nonlinear narrative space inside Teletext. Explore fictional TV channel WRN1’s teletext to find answers to the the signal’s mysterious disappearance. An homage to technological obsolescence,…

Gambling Paradise : The Escape Call

Gambling Paradise: The Escape Call is played on television. To guide your AI partner : – you must give indications of movement with a phone using an operational voice…

Electric Scrapeboard

Electric Scrapeboard is a Simon Says-style time attack game that uses a real skateboard as the controller. Created by : Frank DeMarco & Blake Andrews Stuff used : -Skateboard…


Alghrab is a one-of-a-kind alt.ctrl game, where you try to beat an arrogant animatronic crow at its own card game to earn a prophecy! Created with an entirely…

Please Hold

Please Hold is an interactive, story driven game that is experienced through an analog telephone. The user interacts with and speaks into the phone to solve puzzles, find…