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BADAGOLF is part of the BADABEAM project,  an interactive multiplayer videomapping that people can join using their mobile phone.  In BADAGOLF Players control a character with their phone…


inTIErrupted is a 2 player co-op game where the main goal is to untie completly a 10 feet (3 meters) long tie without being caught. Created by: Clement…

Attack of the bric-a-brac

Attack of the bric-a-brac is a unique Make&Play video game. In this game, you are challenged to be creative and construct your own custom controller using everyday peripherals…

Kitchen Kauldron

Kitchen Kauldron is a gamified life-size food truck immersive experience inspired by the zaniness and premise of Overcooked. This experience utilizes themed alternative controllers that enhance the player experience….

Two By 4 Racing

A cooperative racing game where you can avoid cows, or not. The front driver steers while the one in the back keeps the engine running by spinning their…


Blossom is a slice-of-life interactive novel that is navigated with a pop-up book controller. Each page of the book focuses on a different chapter of the main character’s…

Funny Kitty Stick

Funny Kitty Stick is a game in which you can guide your cat with our designed stick controller. The cat can interact with the objects in the scene and…

Haber Dasher

Haber Dasher is a sensible controller for well-dressed pals, where two players use a giant hat to help an alien blend in on Earth. Created by : Erin J.K….

Paper Glider

Paper Glider uses a basic pulley system to allow players to control a paper airplane in the game. It consists of two ropes, one for each hand. By…

YettiBebbis: Puppet In A Cult

This game requires the player to use both hands (fingers, specifically) to control a virtual puppet in the game as if they are controlling a physical puppet—working to…

Grocery Trip

In Grocery Trip, players run cooperative errands with a shopping cart controller: one person steers while the other grabs food and punches customers. Created by: Sara Brugioli, Victor…


Inspired by the most classical PONG GAME and the most popular table-top game FOOSBALL, Fooscade incorporates their game & interaction mechanics and creates a never-seen-before arcade experience. Created…

Cosmic Crew

Cosmic Crew is a frantic 2 player cooperative space shooter with rogue-lite elements, played with two custom control boards! You are the Cosmic Gunner & the Cosmic Mechanic….


A two-player dance-off where the step Dance Mat is also the screnn. The GridMaster control scheme is made for seamless, playful competition that is both personal and a…

Gilliam’s Great Escape

Gilliam’s Great Escape is about playing golf with a fish. Except you’ll be playing it with a toaster controller – the perfect tool for launching things. Push and…


Atomik gives players a complex series of buttons, connections, keys, and pedals to keep a nuclear reactor from melting down. Better read the manual quickly. Created by: Jérémy…

Heist ‘98

HEIST ‘98 is an alternate controller (“alt.ctrl”) game where a security guard and a thief face go face-to-face inside a fine arts museum. In HEIST ‘98, each player…


A lumberjack game where players chop an axe onto a tree stump—that detects in-game inputs, offering immersion to create a fresh experience. The controller has three parts: the stump,…

Unicycle Samurai

Unicycle Samurai is a bloody yet light-hearted, local 2-player jousting game built around outmaneuvering your opponent and collecting powerups. It has a two-player alternative controls version where you…


Wireframe is a four-player competitive alternative game controller tribute to 90’s internet webpages and whose graphics have been made exclusively with GIF from GeoCities database of the Internet…

It’s just a dream don’t worry

An interactive installation leading you through a surreal dreamscape. This place that extends your physical reality is strangely composed of real world 3D scans. You need only follow…

Nailed it

Nailed It is an original controller working with a color sensor and to be played with colorful press-on nails to apply on the player’s hand. The game consists…

Corvée de patate

Corvée de Patate is a textual game which can be played with a Makey Makey and potatoes. The game shows the anxiety we can feel during a conversation…


Crashboard is a skateboard hijacked to become a controller to an anaglyphic computer-inspired game where the player is surfing to avoid OK windows-type items. Created by: Emilie Breslavetz …


N1870 is a fictional (but playable) interactive and collaborative video game created by none other than Jules Verne himself. Stuck inside a submarine, two players will have to…

Lost on Mars

Six months after all contact with the Atlas III Mars Exploration mission was lost, the Soter Exploration Rover lands in the mission area. What happened to the previous…

Cœur à l’ouvrage

In Cœur à l’ouvrage, three players compete to be the best employee by pumping money in using heart-shaped cushions. Their individual performances are displayed on screen in the…


Turbox is a cooperative two players game using an actual industrial overhead crane. One players is suspended to the hoist with a harness, in the middle of a…

Golf Wobbler

Inspired by Line Wobbler, Golf Wobbler is a 1D minigolf game played on a single LED strip with an actual golf club. Holes are displayed in red, the…

Office Job

On a Windows interface, the players must close as many pop-up messages and dialog box as possible in a limited time by clicking the “x” or “OK” buttons….