Stonehenge is a calming, immersive and interactive experience. The player enters a dark room only furnished with a table. The player has his eyes turned towards the night sky projected on the ceiling. He discovers a board with menhirs, and enigmatic coloured paths drawn on it. The stars on the ceiling are moving according the menhirs’ movements on the board. He’s guided by a peaceful music during the whole experience. His goal is to manipulate the menhirs on the board following the paths until the stars align and the melody of his ancestors comes back from the Earth’s memories.

Created by : Dartois Antonin, Goldgrab Simon & Roussel Quentin. Thanks Cerede William & Ricou Mael for their inputs

Stuff used :
– wood
– paper
– foam
– paperboard
– glass
– black sheets
– screws
– pins
– UV ink
– UV lamp
– paint
– webcam
– speaker
– projector
– computer