Tag: generative Page 2 of 3

TL;DR [the shape of the internet (Orgy)]

(Picture by Jesse Flemming) TL;DR [the shape of the internet (Orgy)] is an immersive interactive installation. On entering the space, the viewer is confronted by a 40foot long…


Superbug is an interactive installation generating a virtual ecosystem. It’s an ephemeral insect generator, each time producing a new specie. The specator can, thanks to a MIDI keyboard…

The Doodle Zoo

A magical notebook that turns drawings to life. Draw an animal, stamp it with the heart stamp and watch it walking away from the page. Created by : Coconoe…


Tatyou is a 4 players tattoo motive generator. Each player controls a door and try to prevent the ball escaping a circle. When the ball do escape, the…


A hybrid cocktail apparatus, inspired by the world of alchemy. As players descend into the depths of a smartphone game, their actions within the app concoct a unique…

Sand Garden

An experimental game using a physical box of sand as its primary input device. The world of Sand Garden is populated by several villages. As the sculptor of this land,…


Paku-Paku is an audio mash up machine disguised as a real world Pac-Man game. Customs circuits that convert audio signal into light illuminate an 8×8 meter recreation of…

Flip Off

Flip Off is a two player competitive pin/foss ball that creates automated break-core music! The machine has 4 targets and 16 slingshots and pop bumpers, which interact with…

Gamelan Wizard

Resembling an ancient proto-pinball machine crafted eons ago and found centuries later in a Javanese burial chamber; Gamelan Wizard is an eight player pinball game housed in an…

Balls for Cthulhu

Balls for Cthulhu is a pentagram shaped pinball game emblazoned with fluorescent graphics by the Rev Kriss Hades depicting the lord of the deep ones. A multiplayer pinball…

Pinball Pianola

A Frankenstein experiment combining the greatest musical invention of all time, the Piano; with the coolest amusement machines ever conceived; Pinball, to create an interactive sound installation like…


Pitchfork is apinball musical instrument hybrid with twenty tuning forks incorporated throughout it’s playfield players can aim and shoot for while modifying the frequencies produced using inbuilt audio…

Plink Plonk

Plink Plonk uses mechanical music boxes as playful delicate input devices, producing their own sound output (the tune ‘Your are my sunshine’). A visual narrative responded to each…

Woodland Wiggle

Woodland Wiggle is an interactive game displayed on a television the size of a room. It allows children to enter into a storybook illustrated world enabling them to…

Suite for Overhead Projectors

Suite for Overhead Projectors is a series of Fluxus-inspired art scores to be performed on a pair of analog overhead projectors. The game consists of a series of…

Grand Maestro

The Grand Maestro is an orchestra conductor game made during ZooMachines 2015. The player uses 2 MYO armbands to play and try to direct the best orchestra by…


Magical creatures have escaped into the heavens, and the player must sift through layers of clouds to bring them back to the earth. Using a set of five…

Fold Loud

Fold Loud is a (de)constructing musical play interface that uses origami paper-folding techniques and ritualistic Taoist principles to give users a sense of slow, soothing relaxation. Playing Fold…

Connecting Dots

Connecting Dots is a projection mapping based game. It is played using a red Laser light. The player has to connect the two dots highlighted on the wall continuously till…


Buildasound is a sound building blocks game. It consists in creating shapes at the same time that you generate new sounds: there is no single objective (winning or…


Dunya is a musical experiment. By moving physical objects on a touchscreen, 2 players can collaborate to create a musical piece. Each object is associated to a sound…


Fluck ( from the Irish word ‘Fliuch’ meaning wet) was an interactive installation in the Fumbally Exchange in the city centre of Dublin, created for the Elemental Exhibition…

Télécran Run Run

Played on a custom cocktail arcade, Télécran Run Run is a competitive etch-a-sketch-based game where each player draw his line across the various tracks in order to reach…


Mouffe is a daydream simulator: while lying down inside a tent and using a quilt as a controller, players set off abstract animations projected onto the ceiling of…

Etch a Synth

By turning knobs, you are operating a digital etch a sketch. Where the lines intersect, you change the beat and tone of the music. You are now composing…

Life Sequencer

Life Sequencer is a game in the Illucia suite – it uses falling Tetris blocks to build step sequencer patterns (it is also remixable by Conway’s Game of…

Super Mario Spacetime Organ

Super Mario Spacetime Organ is a Super Mario Brothers ROM played and live-glitched with a Soundplane (multitouch surface instrument) and an illucia (patchable videogame system). The X-axis of…


Hypnagogia is an interactive installation that explores the geography of a dreaming digital brain. Created during “The Brain – Open Lab” residency program in February 2015 in Berlin,…


Panoramical is a music and visual exploration game where you move sliders and knobs in a custom DJ controller and every change introduces or modifies elements to the…

Keyboard Mandala

Keyboard Mandala is a musical and colorful experience, playable with a synthesizer as the controller. The first player, as a traveler, wanders through an initially empty desert, using…