Punch the Custard is a game in which two players compete to punch custard. The player who punches the custard the most quickly and accurately – as judged…
Prepare to Meet Thy God is an installation/video game mixing roleplaying, performance, video game and physical elements bring the player into a dark and twisted world. Dressed in…
Edgar Rice Soirée (formerly known as Awkward Tarzan Grinding Game and Edgar Rice Frotteur) is a 20-controller competitive PS Move game for 4 players. The players navigate a…
Through the Curtain is a sensual, intimate and (probably) uncomfortable experience in which two strangers will learn to trust each other…and maybe eventually get naked. In an isolated…
The players control Mr Ferdinand Laboite’s brain with several mices and stripped down keyboards that are inside the wooden head box. Each input is linked to a specific…
Holy Shit is a game for ten players, with ten mices connected to a single computer. Nine players embody a food character, while the tenth plays a little poop…
The Infinite Viking Quest II (or Skål, as the players usually like to call it) was created during the ZooMachines Festival 2014 in Lille. It’s a simple top-down…