Tag: no screen Page 3 of 5

LED Gameboard

The LED gameboard is a tabletop game that consists out of 36 pushbuttons that can change their color using RGBW LEDs. Up to 10 different games can be…

Au fil des mots

Inspired by the work of the OuLiPo and the Beat Generation, Au fil des mots is a typing game played with an actual typewriter. Letters are projected on…

Looks Like Music

Looks Like Music is an audiovisual installation based Yuri Suzuki’s Colour Chaser . This consists of a miniature robot which detects and follows a circuit – a black…

Micro Game Factory

Back from the 80’s and further, Micro Game Factory now allows you to design games in the likes of the Game & Watch, Tiger Electronics and other clones. First let’s design…

Wobble Garden

Wobble Garden is a hand-crafted arrangement of sensing springs combined with reactive lighting. Players wobble springs to interact with the installation and play games. It creates a unique…

Frite Fight

Have you ever asked yourself what it feels like to fight with a “frite” ? Well, “Frite Fight” is here to show you what it is all about…


A real life, real time physical manifestation of the keyboard-controlled FLASH game by Bennett Foddy in the form of multi-player, “crowd sourced” marionette Created by: Isla Hansen Stuff…

Bot Party

Bot Party in an interactive sound experience for humans. The bots have a problem. They have no way to communicate with their friends. Can you help? They need…

Mark Wars

Take Your Mark(er)s! A new space attack is about to begin, and you must guide your spaceship to the Black Star! With Mark Wars, using a marker pen,…


1000LEDs is a game platform with a 100+ foot long strip of LEDs, two hand held controllers, and MIDI sound, all controlled by Arduinos. The game demoed in…

Rainbo Disko

An homage to the Dada and Fluxus art movements, RainboDisko is a tabletop game for 2+ players to be played on an operating record player. Tension mounts as…

Papier Machine

Papier Machine is a booklet gathering a family of 13 paper-made  electronic toys ready to be cut, colored, folded, assembled or torn. Silkscreened with special inks that have…


The rules of Homunculus are simple. The first player puts a morphsuit on and becomes the homunculus. The second player closes their eyes, while a volunteer chooses a…

Combat de cocks

Fucking machines are mechanical beasts equipped with artificial phalluses. One can observe them in their natural environment, i.e. porn, while they penetrate human orifices, especially women’s ones. Combat…


(in)tact is a playful performance including lights, sound, dancers and an interactive handmade sky. The audience is invited to excite the sky and thus change its local state…

Let Me Share My Colours

Let Me Share My Colours is a social game designed to be played at large events. Each player is assigned a symbol, a nail polish color, and given…


Situated somewhere in between home stereo, installation, and club sound system, kbps offers an unusual way to listen to music at home. Each USB stick contains a music…

Melt the ice

Melt the ice is a one-time performance made for ZooMachines Festival 2016 without any electronics. A whole city was built on one side of a basin with paper…


RotoRing is a circular puzzle-platformer with pretty lights and clicky knobs. Created by: Gregory Kogos) Stuf used: -LEDs -Arduino -custom controller (2 knobs) Find out more 

Fear Sphere

Fear Sphere is an experimental game aimed at briding the gap between the real world and the digital world–without the use of VR. The game itself is played…


Cylindrus is a game of light played around a cylindrical field of play. Up to four players move wirelessly around the cylinder of 600 LEDs as they attempt…

Game O Verre

The Game O Verre is a glass controller allowing you to play games while drinking. It will detect when a player is touching his glass and more importantly :…

Flip Off

Flip Off is a two player competitive pin/foss ball that creates automated break-core music! The machine has 4 targets and 16 slingshots and pop bumpers, which interact with…

Gamelan Wizard

Resembling an ancient proto-pinball machine crafted eons ago and found centuries later in a Javanese burial chamber; Gamelan Wizard is an eight player pinball game housed in an…

Balls for Cthulhu

Balls for Cthulhu is a pentagram shaped pinball game emblazoned with fluorescent graphics by the Rev Kriss Hades depicting the lord of the deep ones. A multiplayer pinball…

Ping Pong FM

Ping Pong FM is a musical take on table tennis. Choose a song and keep it playing at the correct tempo by keeping the ball in play. Rally…

Pinball Pianola

A Frankenstein experiment combining the greatest musical invention of all time, the Piano; with the coolest amusement machines ever conceived; Pinball, to create an interactive sound installation like…


Pitchfork is apinball musical instrument hybrid with twenty tuning forks incorporated throughout it’s playfield players can aim and shoot for while modifying the frequencies produced using inbuilt audio…


Based on the popular folk game « Ninja » Sondez-vous is an electronic fighting game for two players. The players take turns to attempt to touch their opponent while the…

Body Check

Body Check is a competitive game for two players. Bar-codes are strapped on various body parts (stomach, shoulder, elbow, knee, wrist) and each player has to scan them…