Tag: custom Page 8 of 10

L’Odyssée de Gabriel

L’Odyssée de Gabriel is a new kind of interactive comic. Half of the comic is drawn on paper, the other half is projected on the blank spaces. Sometimes,…

Heart shake

A short vignette-style game about the creator working through some sexuality stuffs by trying to punch her heart out. It is played with a comically-anatomically-correct heart controller hooked…

Video Game in a box

Video Game in a box is an electronical side-scrolling vdeo game featuring Mario. Mario is controlled with a knob on the side, as time advances the game gets…

Desert Mini-Golfing

This tiny installation, combining electronics and sand, is a demake of the iOS game Desert Golfing by Captain Games. Adjust angle and velocity, and spend the rest of…

Whappy Cube

Based on Portal’s companion cube, Whappy cube is a game that can bring two people together to share a moment by whapping. Two players sit on opposite sides…

Cockfight Arena

A one night parade of sweat and adrenaline hopes to reclaim performance art in the age of video games, pitting viewer against viewer in brutal virtual cockfighting theater….


Di-Dah-Dit is a poetic marble-based telepresence apparatus, in the form of two devices, distant and connected. Two players are virtually facing each other, together controlling the progress of…

Planet Licker

This game was made to be played with your tongue. Lick colored popsicles in real life to move the monster and lick planets on screen. We designed a…


(un)done is a story about love and break-up. Two players face each other, wearing ponchos with strings dangling from them. When they tie a string together, they hear…

Demon Book & Summoning Circle

These props were for a performance for a physical computing class. The performance was to “summon a demon” who was trapped inside a book. The Summoning Circle would…

Curious and Curiouser !

Curiouser and Curiouser! is an interactive pop-up book experience. It has a physical component (the pop-up book), which has inputs that interact with the digital component (the Unity…


Duckette is a prototype for an electronic game-book using reactive inks, making shapes appear dynamically on the paper. A small joystick allows the user to play with the duck…

The Book that wanted to be a Video Game

The Book that wanted to be a Video Game knows what page is open, the time, its position in space, North, it can emit sounds or vibrate, it…


SpaceRagers is a two player boxing game where cosmic puppets pummel one another to settle the dispute of a multi-spaceship pile up. Created by : Alex Johansson, Tyler Giordano…

Kick in the door

Kick in the door is a three players cooperative games about kicking doors and fighting monster. Each player is assigner to a character/color/button and all three must press…

Interactive Gaming Tee Shirt – Pong Experiment

Pong Experiment is a game of Pong for two players. It is played with two paddle controllers similar to the Atari 2600 ones but displayed on LEDs sewed…

Fruit Fever

the player is ill – his/her heart rate, body temperature and digestion are either two high or too low – and (s)he should try to get healthy again….


Bit-foosball is a custom made table football. LEDs turn on and sounds are produced every time a goal is scored. Created by: Luisa Thuler Stuff used: –littleBits electronics…

Ai Dai Wan – Exhalation game

In order to row a boat fast and steady one would need precise movements, and coherent respiration. With that in mind, we designed a small game to test…

Handle with Care

Handle with Care is a silicone controller that takes the form of a human hand with embedded sensors in order to facilitate game control. The controller takes in…

A Dozen Sliders

As its name suggests, A Dozen Sliders is a controller based on a dozen motorized sliders. The motor in the sliders allows them to move to any desired…

Malinette Fighter

Malinette Fighter is an electromechanical game where two origami dinosaurs fight on a cardboard ring. The goal being to knock over your opponent. Created by: Anne-Sophie Lacombe &…


Jump! is an interactive jumping rope that works like a music box where you must jump to wind. Powered by an Arduino Fio, it sends the values ​​from…

Messing with Horses

Messing with Horses is a racing game played with Wiimotes and stick horses. The Wiimotes are inserted into the horses’ heads and connected to a Processing sketch making…


Buildasound is a sound building blocks game. It consists in creating shapes at the same time that you generate new sounds: there is no single objective (winning or…


Dunya is a musical experiment. By moving physical objects on a touchscreen, 2 players can collaborate to create a musical piece. Each object is associated to a sound…


Palimpseste is a first person exploration game played with a custom apparatus that enables players to change the color filter through which they look at the screen. Players…

Punk Prism Power

Punk Prism Power is a cooperative 2-player Magical Girl party game, in which players wield custom laser-cut peripherals to defeat bizarre evil monsters in a fantasy world. Each…


Swordfight is a physical two player game played with custom built strap on Atari 2600 controllers. The goal is to press your opponent’s action button with your joystick…

Drunk-Man (or Arak Man)

A physical interface for Pac-Man that turns the single-player arcade classic into a cooperative drinking game for 4-5 players. Each player is assigned to a direction (up/down/left/right), and should…