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A horror-themed puzzle-game inspired by the hidden door behind a bookshelf-trope. When finding themself trapped inside a strange house, the player has to go from room to room,…

Fear Sphere

Fear Sphere is an experimental game aimed at briding the gap between the real world and the digital world–without the use of VR. The game itself is played…


Have you ever been stuck on a cramped elevator? So many people crammed into the tight space that you can’t even reach the elevator button? Have you ever…

Victor the Loser

Victor the Loser is a household gaming system that is a bad loser. Seemingly a regular home arcade game controller, Victor the Loser only reveals its true colors…

Close the Leaks (to prevent imminent death)

Four players are needed to close a spaceship’s air leaks to keep breathing. Releasing air however is the only way to steer the spaceship. A game played by…

U.F.O Bellies

U.F.O. Bellies is a color trick game that requires the players to find the color of the word, not the text of the word itself. There are two…


Cylindrus is a game of light played around a cylindrical field of play. Up to four players move wirelessly around the cylinder of 600 LEDs as they attempt…

Emotional Fugitive Detector

Emotions are dangerous to our society. To maintain order, the Human Management Bureau has begun performing random emotion inspections on the citizenry. All citizens must comply. The Emotion…


Paku-Paku is an audio mash up machine disguised as a real world Pac-Man game. Customs circuits that convert audio signal into light illuminate an 8×8 meter recreation of…

Game O Verre

The Game O Verre is a glass controller allowing you to play games while drinking. It will detect when a player is touching his glass and more importantly :…


Scribb is a computer game in which the physical area scanned by the mouse is an integral part of the interaction. The player must draw some black areas,…

Flip Off

Flip Off is a two player competitive pin/foss ball that creates automated break-core music! The machine has 4 targets and 16 slingshots and pop bumpers, which interact with…

Not waking up is hard to do

Not waking up is hard to do is a game about the moment where you dream, just before waking up. You play lying down on a mattress, with…

Magical Love Love Arcade

Match-maker, ice-breaker, souvenirs-crafter. Magical Love Love Arcade is a dating bartop arcade machine designed to be displayed at big events (parties, festivals…). Players take turns to play the…

Gamelan Wizard

Resembling an ancient proto-pinball machine crafted eons ago and found centuries later in a Javanese burial chamber; Gamelan Wizard is an eight player pinball game housed in an…

Balls for Cthulhu

Balls for Cthulhu is a pentagram shaped pinball game emblazoned with fluorescent graphics by the Rev Kriss Hades depicting the lord of the deep ones. A multiplayer pinball…

Ping Pong FM

Ping Pong FM is a musical take on table tennis. Choose a song and keep it playing at the correct tempo by keeping the ball in play. Rally…

DJ Panzer

Germans, Danes, Tanks and techno music – is there any better combination? Hit the dance floor and your enemy. DJ Panzer is a 1 vs. 1 competitive tank…

Pinball Pianola

A Frankenstein experiment combining the greatest musical invention of all time, the Piano; with the coolest amusement machines ever conceived; Pinball, to create an interactive sound installation like…


Pitchfork is apinball musical instrument hybrid with twenty tuning forks incorporated throughout it’s playfield players can aim and shoot for while modifying the frequencies produced using inbuilt audio…


In most of the case, digital games are composed of two entities, a computer (the software part) and a controller (the hardware). During the game, hardware part always…

Plink Plonk

Plink Plonk uses mechanical music boxes as playful delicate input devices, producing their own sound output (the tune ‘Your are my sunshine’). A visual narrative responded to each…


Cerebro is an experience using brain waves :a digital creation with a procedural design influenced by thoughts, but also a brain to computer interface. The player tries to…

Super BRIN

Created for cycle Invitations d’Artistes 2016, Super Brin is a reinterpretation of traditional games from Picardie. The installation is an arcade cabinet inviting the player to throw a…

Unknown Radio

Play mini games with electromagnetic waves from a theremin radio. Created by : Eloi Strée, Michaël Lievens, Sheldon Laforge, Baptiste Remyu, Glen de Cauwsemaecker, Anthony Kozak, Eric Wager, Célia…

Lost in Keyboard

Lost in Keyboard is a puzzle game that uses a special designed keyboard, which is inspired by its actual electric connection schematics. On the keyboard is printed a…

In a pinch

In a Pinch is an action game played using a dual trackball sandwich controller where each mini trackball controls one end of a bar confined to a separate…


Chaussons is a walking simulator. No. Not that kind of walking simulator. In this one, you’ll have to actually walk, with your two feet. On screen, the feet…

Foot Controller

The foot controller is an attempt to solve the problem of ‘walking around’ in VR games in the cheapest way possible. The controller is based on an arduino…

Mr Floppy System’s recovery

Mr Floppy System’s recovery is a 2D platformer controlled by a real and physical floppy Disk. You control a little floppy disk struggling to climb up and reboot…